We are delighted to announce the shortlist for the fourth annual  Bloody Scotland Crime Book of the Year (formerly the Deanston Scottish Crime Book of the Year.) The award recognises excellence in Scottish crime writing, includes a prize of £1000 and nationwide promotion in Waterstones.

The shortlist, which was chosen by an independent panel of readers from a longlist of 55 books, is as follows:

Paths of the Dead, Lin Anderson

DM For Murder, Matt Bendoris

Dead Girl Walking, Chris Brookmyre

Thin Air, Ann Cleeves

The Ghosts of Altona, Craig Russell

Death Is A Welcome Guest, Louise Welsh



The overall winning book will be announced at our gala dinner on Saturday 12 September as part of the Bloody Scotland festival programme. The previous winners are Peter May with Entry Island in 2014, Malcolm Mackay with How A Gunman Says Goodbye in 2013 and Charles Cumming with A Foreign Country in 2012.

You can dine with crime writers and celebrate the announcement of the awards – buy tickets to the Scottish Crime Book of the Year Award Dinner here.