The Golden Lion Hotel

There are two access points: 1) Main Entrance: 2 initial steps, 7 steps inside. Handrails on both sides with staff available to assist. Wheelchair lift available. 2) Rear of hotel: enter through a lane next to the cancer research shop which is barrier controlled, please press the ‘CALL’ button where this will be answered, if you require assistance at this time to enter the Hotel please ask for a member of our Team who will meet you accordingly and assist you to the Lift. Public toilets and Accessible Toilet with Baby Changing facility are all situated on the ground floor area and easily accessible from the Reception, Bar & Restaurant.

Holy Trinity Church

We use the small hall behind this beautiful old church on Albert Place, There is step-free access (with a wheelchair ramp) at the venue entrance. There are a few parking spaces within the church grounds at the front of the venue. Please arrive well ahead of event start time as spaces are limited. Accessible bathrooms on ground floor and bookselling takes place at the rear of the ground floor hall.

The Albert Halls

Step-free access at the right-hand side of the venue entrance. Hearing aid loop system available. Lifts/ramps – where these are situated if several entrances. Accessible parking: limited parking at front of the venue. Please arrive well ahead of event start time as spaces are limited. Accessible bathrooms on ground floor and first floor, and accessible lift to first floor bookshop.