Harassment & code of conduct policy

Every year, Bloody Scotland brings together thousands crime writers and readers from across the country and the world, every September, in venues across Stirling’s centre. Often praised for being one of the most welcoming and friendly festivals, we strive to maintain this atmosphere and to make Bloody Scotland a safe and comfortable experience for all.

Bloody Scotland has a zero-tolerance policy to any harassment, abuse, or discrimination against any attendees whether they are authors, audiences, staff or volunteers. We welcome all visitors regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, class or age.

Harassment may take a number of forms. It includes behaviour which is offensive, threatening, intimidating or degrading. Behaviour that purposefully makes someone feel uncomfortable, threatened, or in danger is also considered to be harassment. Behaviour includes actions and verbal and written comments. Examples of harassment include: unwanted sexual or violent approaches or comments, unwanted physical contact, stalking, following, racial slurs, homophobic or transphobic comments, and the taking of photographs, audio or video recordings after being asked not to do so.

Any attendee whose behaviour violates this policy  will be asked to stop and cooperate immediately. If the attendee does not cooperate they will be asked to leave the event. In appropriate cases, the matter may be reported to the police. This applies to all spaces during Bloody Scotland including venues, cafes, queues, book signings, green rooms, staff rooms, hotels, bars, restaurants and any areas where a Bloody Scotland event is being held. This also applies to the Bloody Scotland website, social media, email, and any other digital communications.

If, during the festival, you witness harassment, please notify your nearest member of Bloody Scotland staff or hotel/bar staff as appropriate or call the police for severe or urgent harassment (such as immediate physical danger).

We have put this policy in place to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of Bloody Scotland for all attendees. We look forward to welcoming you, safely, and warmly, to Bloody Scotland this year.