If you’re a fan of Scottish crime fiction…
…which would seem a safe bet if you’re reading this, you might well be interested in The Crime Interviews: Volume Two.
Written by our very own Len Wanner, it’s published today as an ebook. Here’s the blurb:
Len Wanner is back with a new collection of interviews with ten more of Scotland’s finest crime writers.
Volume One brought us page after page of unique insights into how writers think and into the professional secrets of some of the genre’s greatest exponents. With The Crime Interviews: Volume Two, once again Wanner’s encyclopaedic knowledge of Scottish crime fiction is put to expert use in his enthralling and revealing conversations with another inspired line-up of stars of tartan noir.
Len’s latest interview subjects are: William McIlvanney, Tony Black, Doug Johnstone, Helen FitzGerald, Quintin Jardine, Gordon Ferris, Craig Russell, Douglas Lindsay, Ray Banks and Denise Mina… no fewer than eight of whom are appearing at Bloody Scotland.
(And in Volume One, you’ll find Ian Rankin, Stuart MacBride, Karen Campbell, Chris Brookmyre and Allan Guthrie amongst others.)
In the foreword to Volume Two, Ian Rankin writes:
Fascinating stuff, whether you are a fan of any particular author, or of the genre as a whole, or even of the wider world of Scottish and British Literature in contemporary times. In fact, I may just have to go back and read both volumes again…
Can’t say fairer than that!
Here are the links to order: Amazon UK | Amazon US