Tariq Ashkanani appearing as a ‘Spotlighter’ at the festival in 2021

As we do every year, Bloody Scotland wants to offer a platform to shine a spotlight on new crime writing talent during the festival. This year we are inviting new and emerging published crime writers to apply for a slot to read out a short sample of their work before one of our Albert Halls sessions in Stirling in September. This year, you’re eligible to apply for Crime in the Spotlight if you:

* Have never appeared on the programme at Bloody Scotland before

* Are early in your crime writing career (such as on your first or second published book, but no more)

You will be asked to prepare a short reading or presentation and you will be given a slot in front of one of our big audiences. You will also be invited to sign books alongside the author(s) appearing in that slot.

The Closing date for applications is the 4th August 2023.

You can apply for a slot here – bit.ly/3PJ3Q0P