Our friends at Waterstones in Glasgow have announced Crime in the City.
Throughout June they’re presenting events with some of our favourite Scottish crime writers, perfect to get you in the mood for Bloody Scotland. The full programme is below and all tickets are free and available from Glasgow branches of Waterstones.
John Gordon Sinclair
Wed 4Th June, Argyle Street, 7pm
John Gordon Sinclair’s ‘s first book was described as ‘a remarkable first novel’ and ‘an impressive debut…fast and bloody’ by The Times. Please join us as John introduces his second, Glasgow based, crime novel Blood Whispers.
What Drives the Story
Wed 18th June, Sauchiehall St, 6.30pm
A panel event with Caro Ramsay, Sara Sheridan, Will Jordan and Nicola White that will look at character/setting/plot and which of these elements drives each author.
‘Islands are the New Cities’
Friday 20th June, Argyle Street, 7pm
A panel event with Craig Robertson, Simon Sylvester and Alex Gordon where they will be talking about their latest books and examining why crime writers are fascinated by the Island setting.
Assault ‘n Battery V Assault ‘n Sauce
Thursday 26th June, Argyle Street, 7pm
A panel event with a plethora of crime writers; Caro Ramsay, Douglas Skelton and Matt Bendoris representing the good coast…sorry the west coast and Doug Johnstone, Frank Muir and Neil Broadfoot representing the East.
Ding Ding Ding round 1
James Oswald
Thursday 3rd July, Argyle St, 7pm
Please join us as best selling author James Oswald introduces Dead Men’s Bones, the fourth novel in his phenomenal Inspector Mclean series set in Edinburgh.
Short Story Competition
Closing Date 20Th June 2014
Enter our fantastic short story competition and have the chance to see your work published on Simon and Schuster’s crime website TheDarkPages.com and receive a £100 Waterstone’s Gift Card!
Entries MUST be new and unpublished work and no longer than 1500 words and must start with the opening line: ‘She sat in the manager’s office listening to the steady rumble of Argyle Street’s traffic, with murder on her mind…’
The competition will be judged by three Scottish crime writers; Lin Anderson, Craig Robertson and Russel McLean, who will also be representing Waterstones. Entries should be emailed to events.Glasgow@Waterstones.com and marked for the Attention of Caron. Please make sure your contact details are included with your entry.
For up to date information about Waterstones events, call 0141 248 4814 or visit www.waterstones.com/events